Best at student engagement

University of Nottingham Law Society

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The adoption scheme was vital for member engagement, meaning there’s cross-member engagement across all year groups.

“The adoption scheme was vital for member engagement, meaning there’s cross-member engagement across all year groups. The publicity officer is also excellent in their use of social media – communication is frequent and effective. Whenever I have questions about an event, I know I’ll receive an answer quickly.”

Best at student engagement

We, as a committee, put in a lot of effort for every single event we hold and we’ve never compromised on quality. It brings us tremendous joy and satisfaction to see our members enjoying themselves at our events.

Best law society president

Winky Yu – Cardiff University Law Society

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The president has been phenomenal and is an all-round exceptional leader.

“The president has been phenomenal and is an all-round exceptional leader. They were incredible at securing our sponsors for this year and delivered a wonderful address to our cohort about the law society and its benefits; I felt really welcomed. The president makes me feel confident as a woman of colour in law and they’re an exemplary role model to everyone in our cohort of how a motivated and determined top student should be.”

Best law society president

The success of the society depends heavily on the high level of cooperation between committee members. We’re dedicated to providing an all-round experience for our members.

Best law society president

Mubashir Syed – Swansea University Law Society

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Best law society president

Best law society president

Erica Naylor and Reena Kaur – Leicester University Law Society

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Best law society president

Best law society president

Deya Kombakova – RHUL Law Society

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Best law society president

Best law society president

Jennifer Chung – University of Lincoln Law Society

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Best law society president

Best law society overall

Swansea University Law Society

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Best law society overall

Best society for pro bono

York University Law Society

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Best society for pro bono

Best careers event

RHUL Law Society

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With little resources and budget, the society organised one of the best events the campus has seen so far.

“With little resources and budget, the society organised one of the best events the campus has seen so far – even better than the ones my university organises. The committee’s professionalism and organisation were absolutely brilliant.”

Best careers event

The RHUL Law Society’s success is a testament to the dedication and prowess of its committee, consistently striving for greatness in delivering a diverse and enriching experience for its members and student community.

Best at student engagement

University of Birmingham Women in Law Society

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Best at student engagement

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